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Village of Romeo, MI

Yard Waste

Yard Waste Pick-Up - 

Please note that GFL will be picking up yard waste material for the residents of the Village of Romeo, on Thursdays, April through November.

Yard waste material is defined as follows: leaves, grass clippings, vegetable or other garden debris, shrubbery, brush or tree trimmings less than 4 feet in length and 2 inches in diameter, that can be converted to compost humus. Yard waste material does not include stumps, agricultural wastes, animal waste, roots, sewage sludge, or garbage.

Please follow the instructions below for preparing your compost material.

All yard waste must be placed in carts or cans clearly marked with a large "X" by using masking tape, duct tape or paint**. Biodegradable plastic will not be accepted.

Brush and branches must be bundled in lengths not to exceed four (4) feet and 50 lbs.

All material should be placed to the curb away from the regular garbage, not sooner than the night prior to pickup.
If you have any questions about a service, please contact Waste Management at 800-796-9696.

**GFL instructions as follows:

Place yard waste in paper yard waste bags, containers (32-gallon or less) clearly marked "Yard Waste", with a large "X" or with a "Yard Waste" sticker (available at the Village Office). Full containers many not exceed 50 pounds. Small tree limbs and brush, less than 2" in diameter, may be tied securely in bundles not exceeding 4 feet in length or 50 pounds. Please note that Michigan law prohibits mixing solid waste with yard waste for disposal. Do not place yard waste at the curb after the yard waste collection program has ended in November of each year. It will not be picked up.